Look at it this way -- typically, you're generating events about some
*thing*, which corresponds to the key you're using in Cassandra.  That's
the "entity" I'm talking about, and typically it would have a single Actor
in Akka, to which all events are being sent.  That Actor mediates all the
Cassandra reads and writes about that entity without thread contention, so
you don't have to worry about race conditions.  If the entity isn't being
used continually, you can allow it to passivate (go to sleep and stop using
memory) after a timeout, and have it automatically revive (based on the
event history) when it is next needed.

And yes, Akka Cluster Sharding is smart about dealing with it when the node
dies -- so long as you "down" the node (telling Akka that yes, this node is
considered dead), it will move the shard to another node as necessary.
It's a pretty mature system for dealing with this sort of stuff.

I don't have a straightforward example myself (my system uses all of this,
but is fairly complex) -- anybody else have a good example to point to?

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 7:29 PM, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is each Entity if I may ask? By Entity you mean Actor? If I shard
> messages across group of actors or actor systems through some user
> specified function and say an actor or actor system(a node) dies then Does
> Akka redirect that shard to other actors (more like rebalancing) ? Any
> simple example somewhere I can take a look please?
> Thanks!
> On Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 4:52:43 AM UTC-7, kant kodali wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have Kafka as my live streaming source of data (This data isn't  really
>> events but rather just messages with a state) and I want to insert this
>> data into Cassandra but I have the following problem.
>> Cassandra uses Last Write Wins Strategy using timestamps to resolve
>> conflicting writes.
>> By default, Cassandra enables server side timestamps and they are
>> monotonic per node. other words two nodes can produce the same timestamp
>> (although not often). So if they are two writes that go to two different
>> coordinator nodes and are trying to update the same Cassandra partition one
>> write will overwrite the other (we cannot deterministically say which one).
>> But from the user perspective it would look like both writes were
>> successful although we lost the state of one write request (Widely known
>> word to describe this anomaly is called "LOST UPDATES").  So if one doesn't
>> want this to happen Cassandra recommends to use client side timestamps but
>> we can run into the same problem in the following scenario.
>> Client side Cassandra timestamps are monotonic by each client (By client
>> I mean think of it as a process that uses Cassandra driver API) so if one
>> has multiple processes which each of them having Cassandra driver api then
>> they can generate a same time stamp (although not often) and are trying to
>> update the same Cassandra partition then we will run into the same problem
>> as above. And multiple processes talking to Cassandra is very common in the
>> industry. In my case these multiple processes will be Kafka Consumers which
>> will consume data from Kafka and insert it into Cassandra.
>> If one of the two writes that are contending fails and other succeeds
>> such that a failed write can automatically retry using some mechanism in
>> Akka (then it will be an acceptable solution) but how do we do that?
>> I somehow think there might be a nice reactive pattern using Akka whether
>> it is sharding or something else can help me solve this problem?
>> Disclaimer: I am new to Akka and trying to put in lot of effort to learn
>> as quickly as possible so I will be open and thankful to any new ideas on
>> how to solve this problem in a scalable way as possible?
>> Thanks,
>> kant
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