On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 7:29 AM, kant kodali <kanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do I need to specify how many nodes or shards I want to distribute to ?

Not by number, but IIRC you can assign particular roles to nodes, and have
those roles determine what sorts of things get distributed to those nodes.

Note that you *do* implicitly have to pre-decide how many shards to break a
given concept down to.  But a given node typically hosts a number of
shards, and that rebalances dynamically.

> Node can go up and down right.. Can the Akka cluster discover how many
> nodes are available at any given time?

That's essentially what clustering does, yes.  There's an underlying gossip
mechanism, so that all nodes have a rough idea of all of the others at any
given time.

> Also, Why should I manually down the node? I know that there is a failure
> detector so if the Akka cluster "thinks" a node is dead then why cant it
> simply distribute that region to other actors?

Problem is, there's a lot of judgement call involved in deciding whether a
node is just temporarily unavailable due to a network failure or is
actually down.  Getting this wrong has *serious* consequences, and can lead
to data corruption.  Akka per se doesn't make that decision, although
Lightbend does sell a product named Split Brain Resolver that provides a
fairly sophisticated algorithm to make the decision.

Basically, Akka doesn't say whether it thinks a node is *down*, it just
knows that it is temporarily unavailable.  You have to decide when that
actually means "down".

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