I have an application that uses remote addressing exclusively.  The 
application is under development on one local machine; one actor system 
spanning several JVM. When I send a message the message always arrives at 
its intended recipient actor and is processed. Program output verifies that 
the affected actor has received and processed the message.  The program 
runs as expected; no messages are ever lost.

The thing that is mystifying me is that whenever I send a message a 
duplicate  of the message is also sent to the same actor using a local path 
instead of the correct remote path.  As you would expect the message cannot 
be delivered and it goes to the DeadLetter place.   I am monitoring the 
Event Bus and see this on a regular basis.  I have looked very scrupulously 
to see if I could be sending the message twice but cannot find this 
happening.  Also I don't even have any configuration ( application.conf ) 
that is capable of creating a local path to an actor.

Would be interested in two things:

1) Has anybody else seen this behavior.

2) Anyone have ideas about how I can research what is going on.

Software in use: 
    akka 2.4.16
    scala 2.11.8
    java  1.8.0_112
    linux  3.13.0-24-generic #47-Ubuntu SMP 

Thanks, Joe

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