I figured it out - I was already using a killswitch in the 'merge cycle 
retry' stage to close the output end of the MergeHub when the retry-cycle 
completed, I just needed to call 
akka.stream.UniqueKillSwitch.abort(Throwable) instead of 
akka.stream.UniqueKillSwitch.shutdown() when it completed with upstream 

On Friday, September 22, 2017 at 10:54:41 AM UTC-7, Bwmat wrote:
> >causing the 'error checker' stage to complete 'successfully' 
> Sorry, to be clear, I don't try to swallow the error;  is it possible to 
> detect that an outlet was closed because of an error?
> On Friday, September 22, 2017 at 10:50:27 AM UTC-7, Bwmat wrote:
>> Oh.. I think I might know what's going on. My graph has a cycle (a 
>> couple, actually) which is used to implement retrying a request.
>> I think what's happening is that the 'entry' node into the cycle is 
>> seeing the failure, propagating it, and then completing. Then, the 'exit' 
>> node from the cycle sees that the downstream finished, and completes 
>> itself. This means that it completes 'successfully' _before_ it sees the 
>> failure from the upstream node.
>> It seems tricky to make sure all such 'timing' issues are avoided...
>> Are there some idioms or patterns I can follow to avoid this kind of 
>> thing? Any suggestions for the current scenario?
>> To clarify, looking at the (horribly-drawn/lettered) diagram below, the 
>> exception is being thrown inside of the 'Request Source' stage at the 
>> upper-left, causing the 'retry-clycle merge' stage to complete, causing the 
>> 'error checker' stage to complete 'successfully' before the error has 
>> propagated to its input port.
>> On Tuesday, September 19, 2017 at 7:49:53 PM UTC-7, Bwmat wrote:
>>> I'm doing a PoC in akka streams, and I just had to track down a case 
>>> where the mapping functor in an instance of Flow.map() threw an exception. 
>>> This seems to simply close the stream, but _not_ report it anywhere. Other 
>>> stages were getting completed implicitly because of it, but the error 
>>> didn't seem to propagate.
>>> The end of my graph was a SinkQueueWithCancel created with Sink.queue(), 
>>> and I had a thread blocked in a call to 
>>> sinkQueue.pull().toCompletableFuture().get(). I would have expected the 
>>> graph's failure to cause this to throw?
>>> Also, I had logging set up as described in 
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/akka-user/rJHu7C8D3KQ , but I 
>>> didn't see any messages about an uncaught exception, which I would have 
>>> expected. (makes me think even more that I messed up the configuration 
>>> somehow?)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matthew w.

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