well i thnk u didnt understand my soultion
its like in
1st iteration u flip cell 1st(index zero) to cell 15th  and now first flip cell 14th to zero then cell 13 to zero and so on till cell 1 to zero i.e. in 1st itertion u fliped 15+14   times and at the end u have cell 15 as one

2nd iteartion u now flip 16th cell to one and then 17 to one and so on   till cell 28th and now again flip cell 27th to zero    then cell 26 to zero and so on till cell 15th i.e. in    2nd iteartion u fliped 14+14 times and end u have cell    28 as one

3rd iteration u flip cell 29 to one and so on till 42 cell and again   flip cell41 to cell 28 to zero i.e.14+14 flips here and   cell 42 as one

in 2340 iteartion u flip 32747th cell to one and till cell 32760 and   again flip cell 32759 to 32747 to zero i.e. again 14+14   flip and cell 32760 as one

now just flip cell 32761 to cell 32766 to one

therefore u fliped (14*2*2340)+1+6=65527




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