At best this is closed-minded.  At worst it's ignorant.

There are lots of cases where adding some formalism to intuitive
notions has produced wonderful new insights.

Take for example the denotational semantics of recursive definitions
(or loops if you prefer).  These were "obvious" just as you imply the
term "algorithm" is.  Yet until some visionaries formalized the domains
of computation as CPOs and lattices and then described recursive defs
in terms of least fixed points of function spaces, we were missing out
on an entire family of ways to reason about what programs actually

To pull one concrete benefit of this treatment out of the air, Robin
Milner was able to use these results to prove that the ML type
inference algorithm is sound and complete (a very rigorous form off
"correct"), connecting types to computation in an entirely new way.
For this and other related work he won the Turing Award!  All who claim
to be computer scientists ought to read his classic paper.  It's a work
of art.

So if some people are willing to search for formal ways of looking at
old ideas in the hope of advancing knowledge the way Milner did, the
least we can do is cheer them on.  I don't think that's asking too
much, do you?

Thanks for your work, Noson.

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