
Mayur, even though primality testing has been proven to be polynomial in time, the randomized ones are what are being used due to efficiency considerations.

Arul, you may be better off searching for Rabin-Miller test. Wikipedia also has an interesting article with further links.


On 4/29/06, Mayur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you are looking for primality testing, google for the paper "Prime is in P". The original paper's by three IIT-Kanpur people. The papers that followed up give the best algorithms for checking primality.

If you are looking for prime number generation, look out for "sieve methods" - especiialy generalized sieves.

On 4/29/06, B. P. TBC < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This algorithm (in Pascal) returns True, if x is a prime number, and
returns False, if x isn't prime.

function Prime(x: word): boolean;
var i: word;
     v: boolean;
     v := False;
     if x=1 then v := True;
     for i:=2 to round(sqrt(x)) do Begin
          if x mod i = 0 then v := True;
     Prime := not v;

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