
the GMP has an implementation of the Rabin-Miller test and supports
very large numbers.



Nat (Padmanabhan Natarajan) wrote:
> Hi,
> Mayur, even though primality testing has been proven to be polynomial in 
> time, the randomized ones are what are being used due to efficiency 
> considerations.
> Arul, you may be better off searching for Rabin-Miller test. Wikipedia 
> also has an interesting article with further links.
> Cheers,
> Nat
> On 4/29/06, *Mayur* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     If you are looking for primality testing, google for the paper
>     "Prime is in P". The original paper's by three IIT-Kanpur people.
>     The papers that followed up give the best algorithms for checking
>     primality.
>     If you are looking for prime number generation, look out for "sieve
>     methods" - especiialy generalized sieves.
>     On 4/29/06, *B. P. TBC* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         This algorithm (in Pascal) returns True, if x is a prime number,
>         and
>         returns False, if x isn't prime.
>         function Prime(x: word): boolean;
>         var i: word;
>              v: boolean;
>         Begin
>              v := False;
>              if x=1 then v := True;
>              for i:=2 to round(sqrt(x)) do Begin
>                   if x mod i = 0 then v := True;
>              End;
>              Prime := not v;
>         End;
> > 

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