After more careful consideration, the only solution
I can see is fairly complex.  It is based on using
an AVL-balanced binary search tree.  In each node
of the AVL tree, a count is kept of the total number
of nodes in the subtree that the node is the root of.
I think it is the case that the following are
all O(log n) operations on this data structure:
search, insert, delete, and finding the number of
nodes whose key is less/greater than a given key.

A point on a circle can be uniquely identified by
the angle of the radius line running to the point.
For each chord, let the endpoint with the smaller
angle be called the starting point, and let
the endpoint with the larger angle be called
the ending point.

(Note that this algorithm assumes that no two
chords have a common endpoint.)

1.  Into an AVL tree T, insert the angles of
the endpoints of all the chords.  In the AVL
tree, the size of each subtree is stored in its
root node, as described above.

2.  Sort the chords ascendingly by the difference
given by subtracting the angle of the starting
point from the angle of the ending point.  (If two
chords have the same difference between start
and end, the relative ordering is arbibrary.)

3.  Set tot = 0

4.1.  Iterate over the chords in the order that
resulted from step 2.

4.2.  Use T to determine Pe -- the number of
endpoints less than the ending point of the current

4.3.  Use T to determine Ps -- the number of
endpoints less than the starting point of the
current cord.

4.4.  Let tot = tot + Pe - Ps - 1, which adds the
number of endpoints between the start and end of
the chord to tot.

4.5.  Delete the starting point of the current
chord from T.  Delete the ending point of
the current chord from T.  These deletions
insure that, for succeeding chords in the
iteration, each starting and ending point seen
that is between the start and end of the chord
correspond to a unique intersecting chord.
That is because, if one of these starting
points were connected to one of the ending
points, its endpoints would have already been
eliminated in a preceeding iteration.  It
is also thus insured that each intersection
is counted only one time.

4.6.  End of iteration over chords.  The
last chord can be skipped because any
intersections it has will already have been

'tot' now contains the number of intersections.

All the substeps of step 4 are either O(log n) or
O(1), so step 4 is O(n * log n).  All of the
other steps are O(n * log n) or O(1), so the
overall algorithm is O(n * log n).

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