Because there are infinite integers, there is no need for a list of
4,300,000,000 of them to contain a duplicate.  If there are
4,299,999,999 choices, there will be one duplicate.  Because the
solution uses binary search, the list is sorted.

So, the full problem is probably something like the following.  There
is a sorted list of the first 4,299,999,999 positive integers.  Someone
duplicates one of them and inserts it into the list right next to the
original.  Figure out which integer is duplicated.

With that, it is easy to solve.  If you look at the first 5000
integers, the last one should be 5000.  If the last one is 4999, you
know that the duplicate is in that sublist.

So, basically, you take the first half or so of the list and see if the
last one is too low.  That will tell you which half of the list has the
duplicate.  Repeat until your sublist has only the duplicated entry.

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