I have to admit that I was wrong in my previous post. I stated that if
we have all words in the enumerated we can operate with them "better
(faster)" but it is true. Enumeraing of the words makes no sence..

> Similar objections to using a hash table to assign integers to words.
> If collisions are allowed, not 0(1). Might just as well have hashed in
> the keywords first and accepted worse than O(1). As Vishal suggested a
> trie looks more realistic. Building the trie can be done O(m), with m
> - total characters in keywords. Identifying whether a docut ment
> character is part of a keyword candidate is then O(1).

What is 'trie' ?
What are you trying to do? Find keyword in input sequence? They are
separated by spaces and punctuations, aren't they?

> You asked for O(n) on the length of the sequence. I think this can be
> taken as n, the number of characters in the document. Fair because we
> have to iterate through all the characters to find the position of
> words and keywords. Anyway, this is Big O so we can argue that
> O(n)<=>O(doc_words) i.e. n = K(doc_words) with K average wordlength in
> document.

If n is size of input sequence, d - number of words in input sequence
and n ~ K d then
O(n) ~ O(d).

>... Andrey's listing
> has a nested loop to do trimming that rechecks words already checked
> in the main loop. Also the algorithm has a tendency to find longer and
> longer sequences with the same start word that clearly cannot provide
> a new minimum.

Completely wrong! the algoritm is based on the following invariant:
  - It always keeps the shortest possible subsequence that ends at the
current possition.
Therefore it will eventually find the shortest one in entire sequence.

> I'm no expert but does this give O(n+m)?

Yes, and I professed that in listing. But O(n + m) is still O(n)

  n  - size of input sequence
  m - number of keywords

> I could perhaps do a small application (in Pascal) to test this point.
> Meanwhile what do you think?

How is your program? Can we have a glimpse of that?

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