> No, I am not trying to do that at all. The trie is built to contain
> only keywords. It can then be used to answer the question for the
> current character 'Is this character part of a candidate keyword?' and
> do this O(1). Candidate keywords are identified initially by the trei
> root returning a reference to the node representing the first
> character of the keyword rather than a null. (or, if you prefer, the
> node linked to the root by that character's edge)

I see.
This is some kind of data structure that I don't know.

> Calm down. I am not asserting or even suggesting that your algorithm
> does not find the shortest subsequence in all cases. Forget the nested
> loop. A subsequence start pointer is needed and it is probably
> irrelevant whether this is updated in the main loop or a sub-loop.
> However, compiling and running the listing I got output shown below
> with initial complete sequence added, subsequences offset to align,
> and subsequence sizes etc. omitted:
>    abrebbqbcdfagbasdfbbaggqqebbcg--324c
>    abrebbqbc
>           bcdfa
>            cdfagb
>            cdfagba
>            cdfagbasdfb
>            cdfagbasdfbb
>            cdfagbasdfbba
>            cdfagbasdfbbaggqqeb
>            cdfagbasdfbbaggqqebb
>                        aggqqebbc
>                        aggqqebbcg--324c
>    The shortest subsequence is: range size: 5 [bcdfa]
> This is what I meant by longer and longer subsequences. For example,
> once the subsequence cdfagb has been identified it is then impossible
> that a shorter subsequence exists that starts with the same word 'c'
> at the same location in the complete sequence. Logically the next
> possible shorter subsequence starts with the next word 'a'. Checks
> (result.size() > range.size()) on other 'c' start subsequences are
> redundant.

Very impressive! I spent half an hour at most on that program, and
didn't thought about it deeply. Obviously you are better expert in
it. :)

> Thank you for asking. I was not going to spend time on this if nobody
> was interested. I will make a start this evening and make sure there
> is sufficient debug output that you all can criticise it without
> ploughing through the source code.

It's certainly not worth spending time on it if you don't want.
I just wanted to see trei.

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