
On Nov 22, 8:26 pm, Sherry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know how the complexity of an algorithms is calculated, but how
> would this relate to the time it takes? Let's say I have 25000 random
> numbers I'd like to sort with the selection sort. Now how could I use
> Big O notation to calculate the time taken to sort these numbers??

First thing is to analyse processing done to sort the list. Total time
depends on 1) time taken to do comparisons - fetching data items, plus
2) time taken to move data items in memory - fetches and puts, plus 3)
time to update indices to the list and possibly a buffer - again
fetches and puts. We can say that all 1) and 2) items result in a
corresponding 3) item and concentrate on the first two.

For a basic selection sort the number of comparisons is (n^2)/2
irrespective of the order of items in the list. The number of data
moves is zero for an in-order list, 3n/2 for reverse order. Insertion
sort comparisons can vary between n-1 and (n^2-n)/2 for in-order and
reverse order lists, moves between zero and (n^2+3n-4)/2.

Both these sorts are classified O(n^2) but the time taken in relation
to n varies with the algorithm used as well as the disposition of
items in the unsorted list. Two recurrence relations are involved, one
for comparisons, one for moves. See for example, 
: Average Complexity. Maybe note that changing the base of the log
just results in different constants.

Solving these recurrencies will get a formula:

    T = k.Fc(n) + j.Fm(n)

where Fc(n) and Fm(n) are functions of n for average comparisons and
moves, k and j are respective constants.

If we choose our sorting algorithms carefully, say bubble sort and
quicksort, Fc(n) and Fm(n) are the same and can write

    T = K.F(n)

where F(n) is (n^2) for bubblesort and (n log n) for quicksort. (could
use selection sort, its (n^2)/2 comparisons on an average list far
outways moves but bubblesort's symetry is more convincing)

> .... but how do you approximate time taken??

To do this we need a K for the test machine which makes the whole
thing fairly academic. If we restrict our investigations to sorting
small binaries in a contiguous list, integers say, machine
architecture side effects are minimized. Compute an average K for each
of the two algorithms from timed tests on many different random order
lists for each of a set of list sizes (suggest writing an application
to do this). There should be a good match between values calculated
from K.F(n) and tests on additional list sizes. Possibly the values of
K will be similar for the two algorithms.

There are several reasons why this approach should not be taken too
seriously: OS intrusion under preemptive multitasking; cache thrashing
when sorting pointers to large records for algorithms that use any
element of binary search, list division or insertion sort i.e. all
except selection sort.

Basically we know that sorting random numbers or records with random
ordered keys quicksort will be faster than other comparison algorithms
because it needs fewer comparisons and moves. Why not use it in
preference to selection sort? Quicksort optimization techniques are
widely known. Mergesort comes a close second and provides stability
making it preferable to quicksort in many cases but, looking at some
of the non-working and below optimum merging implementations around it
may be harder to optimize.

For what its worth, output from a timing program for several different
sorts on a random number key is shown below but keep in mind that this
is sorting pointers to large records not integers in a list:

25000 random order
InsertionSort : 2.06371235513341 Secs
SimpleSort    : 0.15609483378997 Secs
ShellSort     : 0.0141451883337958 Secs
Mergesort     : 0.00804883131314883 Secs
QuickSort     : 0.00606510008439111 Secs

SimpleSort is an insertion sort variant using binary search to find
the insertion point and block data moves. It gets O(n log n)
comparisons and O(n^2) moves.

- Martin
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