I found an error in my solution.


A*x + B*y = C
If x, y are both no non-negative, it takes (x+y)*2 steps.
If one of them is negative, it takes (|x|+|y|)*2-1 steps.  //There
should be abolute value signs

We can iterate x from -max(A, B, C) to max(A, B, C) and get many x-y
tuples, each of which denote a solution. The minimum solution is the
I think the iteration range can be reduce.
What is a more effective algorithm?

To  nikhil garg
Suppose A = 5, B = 8, C = 1, we can following step to approach:

0 8 //fill B
5 3 //pour water from B to A
0 3 //empty A
3 0 //pour water from B to A
3 8 //fill B
5 6 //pour water from B to A
0 6
5 1 //obtain 1

We can prove we can obtain gcd(A,B), 2 gcd(A,B), 3 gcd(A,B), ...

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