On Jan 6, 2:54 pm, Vijay <hello_mis...@rediffmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have one question about Hashing.
> Say I have one Hash table where
> index Hash_function(key) function will return index value of
> corresponding string/key.
> Hash_insert(key) function it will take key and get converted index
> value using Hash_function(key) and insert into two dimensional
> Array[index][data] ->
> [1]["Hello"]
> [2]["ss"]
> [3]["World"]
> To deal with collision we will use Liner probing or a separate
> function which will increment the index to next location in array if
> collision occurred.
> I understand, to lookup or search value/data we need to use
> Hash_function again to get index and then search in array/table.
> My question is -> in case of Liner probing, how we will retrieve the
> data corresponding to key?
> Lets say, there are keys  "Hello" and "World". and Hash_function will
> return 1 as index for both so collision occurred. And Hash_insert will
> insert "World" at index 3 as 2 is already filled.
> Now how searching function will retrieve correct data?
> Liner probing is described here 
> ->http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/software/AlgAnim/hash_tables.html
> Hope I am clear. Thanks in advance.

Don't really see the problem. Just compare the keys.


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