Actually, your code just considers the only non-decreasing subsequence
which starts from a[0] and is the most 'LEFT' one in this situation
rather than all the possible subsequences.

For example, we have such sequence as 2,3,999,9999, and k = 2.

In this situation, your code will give the subsequence {2,3} as the
result rather than the true one {999,9999}.

On Aug 28, 3:36 am, satish satish <> wrote:
> @Rahul
> #include<stdio.h>
> #include<stdlib.h>
> int nondecresing_maxsum(int *a,int n,int k)
> {  int sum=0,i,count=k+1,prev_num=a[0],*dp,count1=0;;
>    dp=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(k+1));
>    for(i=0;i<n;++i)
>      if(prev_num<=a[i])
>       {  sum+=a[i];
>          prev_num=a[i];
>                  dp[count1%(k+1)]=a[i];
>                  count1++;
>                  count--;
>             if(!count)
>             {  sum-=dp[(count1)%(k+1)];
>                    count++;
>             }
>           }
>    return sum;}
> int main()
> {  int *arr,arr_size,i,k;
>    printf("give array size and k");
>    scanf("%d%d",&arr_size,&k);
>    arr=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*(arr_size+1));
>    printf("give elements");
>    for(i=0;i<arr_size;++i)
>      scanf("%d",&arr[i]);
>     printf(" %d",nondecresing_maxsum(arr,arr_size,k));
> }
> this is my first post
> plz correct me if im wrong....
> but this wil not work if all array numbers r negetive...

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