thanx,  to correct me.
yes..radix sort takes O(d(n+k)) time.

On Oct 3, 4:17 am, Gene <> wrote:
> Radix sort _is_ dependent on the length of keys.  If the radix is R,
> then the sort must make ceiling(log_R(k)) passes over the data.
> Increasing the R to decrease the number of passes has a storage cost:
> you need R buckets.
> On Oct 2, 3:04 pm, Mridul Malpani <> wrote:
> > Radix sort is independent of the range and only depends on the number
> > of items.
> > here  k=max value= n^3.
> >  since , radix sort is independent of k, so here also it sorts "n
> > integers" in  O(n).
> > On Oct 2, 10:38 pm, "Harshal ..Bet oN iT!!" <> wrote:
> > > this theorem is true for comparision sorts only! counting sort is not a
> > > comparison sort.

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