@Asquare: You've got it! Each for loop runs n times, and within the
first for loop, the sum of the number of times the while loop runs is
at most n, because it only loops for numbers that are in the wrong
spot and every iteration puts another number in the right spot, so
after at most n iterations, every number is in the right spot (except
the duplicates). E.g., on the input 2,3,4,5,1,2,3, the while loop
iterates 5 times while i = 1 to produce the array 1,2,3,4,5,2,3, and
then does not iterate at all for the remaining 6 values of i. Thus,
the algorithm is O(n).


On Oct 12, 1:43 pm, Asquare <anshika.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> @Dave -
> I have a doubt..
> will we not incorporate the complexity we get for each while loop
> within the for loop..??
> Basically complexity 2n right..??
> another n because while loop runs for each misplaced number.. right??
> which we take as O(n).. Have I understood it the right way??

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