I hope the following approach will work.
Let 'a' be the input array with size n.

    int i = 0, j = 1;

    while( true)
        while( i < n && a[i] == 0) i += 2;
        while( j < n && a[j] == 1) j += 2;

        if ( i < n && j < n ) swap(a[i], a[j]);

        if ( i > n && j < n ) {
            do single pass 2-color sort only on odd indices from j to n-1
putting 1's before 0's;

        if ( i < n && j > n ) {
            do single pass 2-color sort only on even indices from i to n-1
putting 0's before 1's;

Every element of the array is touched exactly once and it is in place.

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