use this

char ipos, opos, InpFile[20000000], OutFile[20000000], DIP[20];
inline int input(int flag=0) {

while(*ipos <= 32) ++ipos;//skips white spaces

if ( flag ) return (*ipos++ - '0'); / For getting Boolean Characters
int x=0, neg = 0;char c;
while( true ) {
if(c == '-') neg = 1;
else {
if (c<=32) return neg?-x:x;
inline void output(int x,int flag) {
int y,dig=0;

while (x||!dig) { y=x/10;DIP[dig++]=x-((y << 3) + (y << 1))+'0';x=y;}
while (dig--) *opos++=DIP[dig];
*opos++= flag ? '\n' : ' ';
inline void InitFASTIO() {
ipos = InpFile; opos = OutFile;
inline void FlushFASTIO() {

On Apr 20, 8:06 am, abhijith reddy <> wrote:
> You could read input character by character using getchar_unlocked() untill
> you hit a space or new line or EOF.
> Alternatively you read the whole input at once using fread_unlocked() and
> then process it as per your need.
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:41 AM, shubham <> wrote:
> > Hello Geeks,
> > Suppose we have a 2-d array arr[1000][1000] capable of storing 10^6
> > elements in it. Input is supplied one row at a time. Then what is the
> > best possible way to read this much data in the least amount of time
> > as scanf() or cin takes a lot of time?
> > --
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