can be done in O(n) find tow nodes from starting position find two
nodes p,q such that p < k & k < q as linked list is sorted we have to
keep going on in right direction complexity will no less then O(N) as
its linked list there is no notion of binary search sorted linked list
think out why ?

only think we can apply some logic to reduce the comparisons that's i
also think will be gr8 improvement but approach sounds good if start
comparing the nodes value using multiple of 2 fact .e.g. take an
integer i=2^j & from j=0 to start comparing 2^0th node, 2^1th node,
2^2th node....2^jth node might be we are able to reduce the number of

do notify me via gmail if i am wrong if u find difficulty in TC ? else
happy learning

if this would have been sorted array then we could have been solved it
O(logn) suing same approach.

Shashank Mani
Computer Science
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra

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