thanks guyz...

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:37 PM, <> wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
>    - os <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_0> [4 Updates]
>    - answer these interesting questions <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_1>[1 
> Update]
>    - Barclays Placement Procedure <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_2> [3
>    Updates]
>    - Element in Array Repeated Even Number of 
> Times<#1324512a54426818_group_thread_3>[2 Updates]
>    - What is the Output?? and How?? <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_4> [3
>    Updates]
>    - Aps <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_5> [1 Update]
>    - MS written test <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_6> [1 Update]
>    - Functions <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_7> [1 Update]
>    - plz help <#1324512a54426818_group_thread_8> [9 Updates]
>   Topic: os <>
>    Mohit Goel <> Sep 07 11:21PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    20 is not in option whats the answer??
>    Kamakshii Aggarwal <> Sep 07 11:23PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    @mohit:answer is is the parent process originally.and 19 more
>    processes have been created.
>    --
>    Regards,
>    Kamakshi
>    Rashmi Jain <> Sep 07 11:24PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    its 19 prcses are created
>    --
>    *****
>    3rd Year,B.E.(IT)
>    Delhi technological University
>    *
>    Mohit Goel <> Sep 07 11:32PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    thnks everyone...
>   Topic: answer these interesting 
> questions<>
>    Mani Bharathi <> Sep 07 10:38AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    “Kya-Kya” is an island inhabitants of which always answer any question
>    with
>    two
>    answers , one of which is true and the other is false .
>    1.You are walking on a road and came to a park . You ask the
>    inhabitants Ram
>    , Laxman and Lila , “which road will
>    take me to the village ?”Ram says “I never speak to strangers . I am
>    new to
>    these parts .”Laxman says,”I am married
>    to Lila . Take the left road .”Lila says “I am married to Ram . He is
>    not
>    new in these place .”Which of the following is
>    true ?(a)Left road takes you to the village(b)Right road takes you to
>    the
>    village(c)Lila is married to Laxman.(d)none.
>    2.You find that your boat is stolen . You question three inhabitants of
>    the
>    island and reply as follows . John saya “I
>    didn’t do it . Mathew did not do it .”Mathew says “I did not do it .
>    Krishna
>    did not do it .”Krishna says “I did not do
>    it . I do not know who did it .” Who stole your boat ?
>    (a)John(b)Mathew(c)Krishna(d)All three (e)none.
>    3.You want to speak to the chief of the village . You question three
>    inhabitants Amar , Bobby and Charles . Only
>    Bobby is wearing a red shirt . Amar says “I am not Bobby’s son .The
>    chief
>    wears a red shirt.”Bobby says “I am
>    Amar’s father . Charles is the chief.”Charles says “The chief is one
>    among
>    us . I am the chief .”Who is the chief?
>    (a)Amar(b)Bobby(c)Charles(d)None.
>    4.There is only one pilot in the island.You interview three
>    men:Koik,lony
>    and Mirna.You also notice that Koik is
>    wearing a cap.Mirna says “Lony’s father is the pilot.Lony is not the
>    priest’s son.”Koik says “I am the pilot.On this
>    island only priests can wear cap.”Lony says “I am the priest’s son.Koik
>    is
>    not the priest .”Which of the following is
>    true?(a)Lony is not Koik’s son(b)Koik is the pilot(c)Mirna is the
>    pilot(d)Lony is the priest.
>   Topic: Barclays Placement 
> Procedure<>
>    vartika <> Sep 07 10:19AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    Has Barclays or Tally Solutions visited any campus so far?
>    If it has, please let me know about the kind of questions that were
>    asked in its written test..the test would most probably be conducted
>    by Elitmus (we've already had the elitmus aptitude test)
>    vartika aggarwal <> Sep 07 10:50PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    I want to know about the technical test..
>    --
>    Regards
>    Vartika Aggarwal
>    Undergraduate Student
>    IT Department
>    NSIT, Dwarka
>    ravi maggon <> Sep 07 11:07PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    yet to come to our campus. I am also having ELitmus test on 12, can you
>    tell
>    me about the level of test and few ques if u remember.
>    On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 10:50 PM, vartika aggarwal <
>    --
>    Regards
>    Ravi Maggon
>    Final Year, B.E. CSE
>    Thapar University
>   Topic: Element in Array Repeated Even Number of 
> Times<>
>    Rahul Thankachan <> Sep 07 10:34AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    > *Sandeep Kumar,*
>    >  (
>    Mobile+91-9866507368begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            
> +91-9866507368
>    > *“I believe in smart work, Believe Me”*
>    hey i m just sending something i wrote
>    int (a[],n) //////// a is the array u r inputting
>    {
>    for(i=0;i<n;i++)
>    {
>    if(utility(a,n,1,a[i])==1) ///u r testing each value from the
>    start
>    {
>    return a[i]; //as soon as u get y=1 tht means odd no repeat
>    break;
>    }
>    }
>    }
>    int utility(a[],n,y,number)
>    {
>    if(n==-1&&y==1) ///base cae
>    {
>    return 1;
>    }
>    if(n==-1&&y==0) ///base case
>    {
>    return 0;
>    }
>    else
>    {
>    n--;
>    if(number==a[n]&&y=1)
>    {
>    y=0;
>    }
>    if(number==a[n]&&y=0)
>    {
>    y=1;
>    }
>    util(a,n-1,y,x);`
>    }
>    }
>    Rahul Thankachan <> Sep 07 10:36AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    > *Sandeep Kumar,*
>    >  (
>    Mobile+91-9866507368begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            
> +91-9866507368
>    > *“I believe in smart work, Believe Me”*
>    sry i made the logic for the opp for even instead..u just need to
>    change sm values...u will get it :):) its simple..
>   Topic: What is the Output?? and 
> How??<>
>    NAGARAJAN SIVARAMAN <> Sep 07 10:31AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    #include<stdio.h>
>    #include<conio.h>
>    #define prn(a) printf("%d ",a)
>    #define print(a,b,c) prn(a),prn(b),prn(c)
>    #define max(a,b) (a<b)?b:a
>    void main()
>    {
>    int x=1,y=2;
>    clrscr();
>    print(max(x++,y),x,y);
>    printf("\n%d %d\n",x,y);
>    print(max(x++,y),x,y);
>    printf("\n%d %d\n",x,y);
>    getch();
>    }
>    sukran dhawan <> Sep 07 11:03PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    its already been explained in previous thread
>    nagarajan <> Sep 07 11:05PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    please can u explain.. or copy the explained content???
>    --
>    Nagarajan S
>   Topic: Aps <>
>    Shiwakant Bharti <> Sep 07 10:49PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    Lets consider there are n elephants so there are equal number of
>    mahaouts ie
>    n.
>    Now if we consider only men standing on ground to be counter for legs
>    it
>    comes out to be 4n + (n/2)*2 = 5n, so 84 should be multiple of 5n which
>    is
>    not hence this assumption of counting only standing men for legs is
>    wrong
>    and distracting.
>    correct answer = 84/6 = 14 as explained by many people.
>    --
>    Thanks and Regards,
>    Shiwakant Bharti
>   Topic: MS written 
> test<>
>    sukran dhawan <> Sep 07 09:38PM +0530 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    which is the best site where in can find backtracking and branch and
>    bound
>    programs ?
>   Topic: 
> Functions<>
>    Don <> Sep 07 08:09AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    enum piece {white_pawn, white_rook, white_knight, white_bishop,
>    white_queen, white_king,
>    black_pawn, black_rook, black_knight, black_bishop,
>    black_queen, black_king};
>    void newGame(); // Initialize the board with
>    pieces in their starting locations
>    bool isLegal(int from, int to); // True if it is legal to move
>    the piece at "from" to location "to".
>    void move(int from, int to); // Execute move if legal
>    void promote(int from, piece promoteTo); // Move a pawn to the 8th
>    rank and promote
>    void resign() // Player resigns
>    bool whiteIsInCheck(); // True if white is in check
>    bool blackIsInCheck(); // True if black is in check
>    bool whiteIsCheckmated(); // True if white king is checkmated
>    bool blackIsCheckmated(); // True if black king is checkmated
>    bool isStalemate(); // True if player has no legal
>    move on his turn
>    bool isDraw(); // True if game is a draw
>    piece getPiece(int location); // Return the piece at a location
>    bool whitesTurn(); // Return true if it is white's
>    turn
>    int moveNumber(); // Number of moves made in the
>    game
>    And if you want the computer to be able to play against a human:
>    void makeComputersMove(); // Selects a move and calls move (or
>    promote)
>    int score(int from, int to, int depth); // Called by
>    makeComputersMove to score a move looking ahead to the requested depth
>    I could be missing something. Anything else that would be necessary or
>    useful?
>    Don
>   Topic: plz help<>
>    sush57 <> Sep 07 05:15AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    If 5/2 artists make 5/2 paintings using 5/2 canvases in 5/2 days then
>    how many artists r
>    required to make 25 paintings using 25 canvases in 25 days?
>    some sayin 25,some sayin 1...........can anyone pls explain the answer
>    for this puzzle...
>    rahul vatsa <> Sep 07 08:30AM -0400 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    i think it should be 1.
>    5/2 paintings r made by 5/2 ppl in 5/2 days using 5/2 canvas
>    =>> 1 painting is made by 1 person in 1 day using 1 canvas
>    i.e. 1 guy cn make a painting in 1 day using a canvas.
>    Now, the other case, to make 25 paintings using 25 canvases in 25 days.
>    As there r 25 days & total paintings required is 25, so u need just 1
>    guy to
>    do that. u have here 25 canvases, bt he cn make using just 1.
>    rahul vatsa <> Sep 07 08:35AM -0400 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    sry, wrongly i ve written 1 in 1st ln of my prev mail. its 25.
>    rahul vatsa <> Sep 07 08:36AM -0400 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    again sry, its 1 oly :P
>    sush57 <> Sep 07 05:56AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    finally what's the answer....
>    Dave <> Sep 07 06:11AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    @Rahul: No, no, no. If you double the people and don't change the
>    number of days, you double the number of paintings. Similarly, if you
>    double the number of days and don't change the number of people, you
>    double the number of paintings. The number of paintings is _jointly
>    proportional_ to the number of people and the number of days. Thus,
>    paintings = constant * people * days.
>    We can use the given data to solve for the constant: 5/2 = c * 5/2 *
>    5/2, so c = 2/5.
>    Finally, 25 = 2/5 * people * 25, so people = 5/2.
>    Dave
>    rahul vatsa <> Sep 07 09:16AM -0400 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    @sushanth, its 1.
>    @dave, no of days & no of paintings required are 25. And we need to
>    find out
>    how many ppl r required for this. obviously it will be 1 only.
>    if there will be more than 1 guy, the work will be finished before 25
>    days.
>    Don <> Sep 07 06:56AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    @Rahul: You are OBVIOUSLY wrong. Obviously.
>    Don <> Sep 07 07:00AM -0700 
> ^<#1324512a54426818_digest_top>
>    Figure out the man days per painting:
>    5/2 artists working for 5/2 days is 25/4 man days.
>    They produce 5/2 paintings, so that is 5/2 man days per painting.
>    Thus to make 25 paintings will require 25*5/2 man days.
>    To complete that work in 25 days will require 5/2 painters.
>    Don
>  --
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