Here is a little program to show how it works.  It's a nice little
problem.  There is also a coding with recursion.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node_s {
  int data;
  struct node_s *left, *right;

void print_tree(NODE *tree)
  if (tree == NULL) return;
  printf(" %d", tree->data);

void save_tree(NODE *tree)
  if (tree == NULL) return;
  printf("%d\n", tree->data);

NODE *new_node(int data)
  NODE *node = malloc(sizeof *node);
  node->data = data;
  node->left = node->right = NULL;
  return node;

NODE *read_tree(void)
  int data, sp = 0;
  NODE *root, *node, *last, *stack[10000];

  // Loop invariants: Root holds tree root.
  // Last holds last node added.
  // Stack[i] holds the unique node at
  // level i to which a right child might
  // still be added.
  root = last = NULL;
  while (scanf("%d", &data) == 1) {
    node = new_node(data);
    if (root == NULL)
      root = node;
    else {
      // If new node has key < last, it must
      // be the left child of last. Attach and
      // push onto stack because we still
      // may receive a right child.
      if (data < last->data) {
        last->left = node;
        stack[sp++] = last;
      // Else it has key > last, so if the key is also <
      // the deepest level waiting for a right child, it
      // can only be right child of the last node.
      else if (sp == 0 || data < stack[sp - 1]->data)
        last->right = node;
      // Else it must be the right child of an ancestor.
      // The possible ancestors are on the stack.
      // Pop the stack until we find the last ancestor
      // with larger key and attach there.
      else {
        while (sp > 1 && data > stack[sp - 2]->data)
        stack[--sp]->right = node;
    last = node;
  return root;

int main(void)
  return 0;

On Sep 24, 8:28 pm, vikas <> wrote:
> if this is simple BST then only preorder will suffice
> On Sep 24, 10:16 pm, wetheart <> wrote:
> > You can put the array representation of binary tree directly, with
> > some obvious modifications ofcourse :)
> > On Sep 24, 5:38 pm, asdqwe <> wrote:
> > > you can put two traversals of three (inorder, preorder or postorder)
> > > in the file..
> > > Two traversals are enough to dedicate a particular tree.
> > > On Sep 24, 4:05 pm, Asit Dhal <> wrote:
> > > > I need to print a binary search tree in file. When I will retrieve the 
> > > > same
> > > > tree from the file.
> > > > I have thought about printing in xml format like this
> > > >           100
> > > >          /     \
> > > >       50      150
> > > >      /   \       /   \
> > > >    30  70   120 200
> > > > <Level 0>
> > > > 100
> > > > <Level 1>
> > > > 50
> > > > <Level 2>
> > > > 30
> > > > </Level2>
> > > > <Level 2>
> > > > 70
> > > > </Level 2>
> > > > </Level 1>
> > > > <Level 1>
> > > > 150
> > > > <Level 2>
> > > > 120
> > > > </Level 2>
> > > > <Level 2>
> > > > 200
> > > > </level 2>
> > > > </level 1>
> > > > </level 0>
> > > > I don't know will this be the best solution or not.
> > > > Please suggest me how to approach it or some better solution.
> > > > Regards
> > > > Asit Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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