Please tell the algo of this problem....

We'll define a "root-to-leaf path" to be a sequence of nodes in a tree
starting with the root node and proceeding
downward to a leaf (a node with no children). We'll say that an empty
tree contains no root-to-leaf paths. So for
example, the following tree has exactly four root-to-leaf paths:
  /     \
4       8
/        / \
11    13 4
/   \         \
7   2         1
Root-to-leaf paths:
path 1: 5 4 11 7
path 2: 5 4 11 2
path 3: 5 8 13
path 4: 5 8 4 1
For this problem, we will be concerned with the sum of the values of
such a path -- for example, the sum of the
values on the 5-4-11-7 path is 5 + 4 + 11 + 7 = 27.


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