In/Out Shuffle are two shuffling algorithms used for shuffling cards
consider a pack of cards (so N = 52) and let cards are numbered from 1, 52

*In Shuffle *: cards are divided into 2 piles (k = 2)
(1,2,3.....26) (27,28,.......52)
afer one shuffle operation cards will be like
(27,1)(28,2) ..........(52,26)
and it can be found that the card at position i(0 indexed) has moved to its
new position given by formula
*i <-  2*i %(N+1)     N = 52
*for k piles answer will be simply
*k*i % (N+1)           N = 52*

*Out Shuffle *: cards are divided into 2 piles (k = 2)
(1,2,3.....26) (27,28,.......52)
afer one shuffle operation cards will be like
(1, 27)(2,28) ..........(26,52)
and it can be found that the card at position i(0 indexed) has moved to its
new position given by formula
*i <-  2*i %(N-1)     N = 52
*for k piles answer will be simply
*k*i % (N-1)           N = 52

*now relating this to the Question in this thread
k = 3
N = total no of elements in the array
shuffle is Out shuffle

now for writing program i think it can be done in O(2*n) ...will try to code
soon :)

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 3:16 AM, sravanreddy001 <>wrote:

> Anika,
> Your algorithm appears to take O(n^2) time and also O(n) space in recursion
> stack space, storing the 3 elements in recursion level.
> The direct shifting of elements to the right will take O(n2) time and O(1)
> space.
> Please comment if my assumptions are incorrect.
> Can anyone provide weblink for IN?OUT shuffle card shuffling prob related
> to this scenario.
> and Memory efficient rearragnement of array elements.
> Thanks,
> sravanreddy001
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Sunny Aggrawal
B.Tech. V year,CSI
Indian Institute Of Technology,Roorkee

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