There  are a number of integer ranges say [ L, R]i denoting left and
right of segment i, lets says we are given K such segments and we
define one operation as move which makes our chosen segment to move
either +1 or -1 so after
move(i, +1) segment i will be [L+1, R+1]. There are some particular
numbers which are made using 4 or 7 : any cobination of 4 and 7 are
A tweak is a number which is lucky and belong to each segment.
we will be provided k segments and n as max number of move attempts.
we have to maximize tweak .
e.g. k =2  and n = 7
 L and R are :
40 45
47 74

maximum tweaks are: 2

42 47
44 71

tweak : 44 47 number of moves 5

I was asked this question in a coding round ? anyone suggest how to
implement this?

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