@ Gaurav

I don't think the above nlogn approach will work. If i m not wrong,
the above nlogn approach is a modification of the nlogn algo for
maximum continuous subset problem.

I have a doubt with the crossing subarray solution. I see that your if
and while loop breaks out if "totalsum <=K" is not satisfied. But, its
very much possible that once part of the array is exhausted and the
other half is still left, the moment the "totalsum > = K" you are
breaking out which is not correct as there may be negative elements
after the sum crossed K which will result in the max closest and <=K.

Also, imagine in the first if loop it hits else "break" part wherein
both subarrays (lo, mid) and (mid +1, high) are not yet exhausted and
sum is greater then K and as a result of which it will break out of
the while loop since the next 2 elseifs will fail.

Gaurav, i may be wrong, but then if you could explain/validate the
above algo as in on what criteria you are sure that the above checks
will work it would be easier to understand the issues that currently i
feel are there..

On Dec 11, 1:41 am, Gaurav Kumar <gkuma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the code for O (nlgn) time complexity using recursion written in Java:
> public class SubArray {
>         static int A [] = {2, 1, 3, 4, 5};
>         static int k;
>         private class Result {
>                 int lo;
>                 int hi;
>                 int total;
>                 Result(int lo, int hi, int total) {
>                         this.lo = lo;
>                         this.hi = hi;
>                         this.total = total;
>                 }
>         }
>         public static void main(String args[]) {
>                 k = Integer.valueOf(args[0]);
>                 SubArray sub = new SubArray();
>                 Result result = sub.findSubarray(0, A.length-1, k);
>                 System.out.println("lo: " + result.lo + ", hi: " + result.hi 
> + ", total: " + result.total);
>         }
>         / * this has O(n) */
>         private Result findCrossingSubarray(int lo, int mid, int hi, int k) {
>                 System.out.println("Finding crossing subarray for lo: " + lo 
> + ", mid " + mid + ", hi: " + hi);
>                 int totalsum = 0;
>                 int leftPosition = -1;
>                 int rightPosition = -1;
>                 int i = mid;
>                 int j = mid+1;
>                 while(i >= lo || j <= hi) {
>                         System.out.println("i = " + i + ", j = " + j + ", 
> left = " +
>                         leftPosition + ", right = " + rightPosition + ", 
> total = " + totalsum);
>                         if(i >= lo && j <= hi) {
>                                 // perfect
>                                 if(A[i] < A[j] && A[j] + totalsum <= k) {
>                                                 totalsum += A[j];
>                                                 rightPosition = j;
>                                                 j++;
>                                 } else if(A[i] + totalsum <= k) {
>                                                 totalsum += A[i];
>                                                 leftPosition = i;
>                                                 i--;
>                                 } else {
>                                         break;
>                                 }
>                         } else if(i < lo && j <= hi && A[j] + totalsum <= k) {
>                                 totalsum += A[j];
>                                 rightPosition = j;
>                                 j++;
>                         } else if(i >= lo && j > hi && A[i] + totalsum <= k) {
>                                 totalsum += A[i];
>                                 leftPosition = i;
>                                 i--;
>                         } else {
>                                 break;
>                         }
>                 }
>                 System.out.println("Crossing subarray: " + leftPosition + " 
> to " + rightPosition + ", sum = " + totalsum);
>                 return new Result(leftPosition, rightPosition, totalsum);
>         }
>         /* this has O(lgn) time complexity */
>         private Result findSubarray(int lo, int hi, int k) {
>                 System.out.println("Finding subarray between " + lo + " and " 
> + hi);
>                 if(lo == hi) return new Result(lo, hi, A[lo]);
>                 int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
>                 System.out.println("Dividing A at " + mid);
>                 Result leftResult = findSubarray(lo, mid, k);
>                 Result rightResult = findSubarray(mid+1, hi, k);
>                 Result crossResult = findCrossingSubarray(lo, mid, hi, k);
>                 if(     leftResult.total <= k &&
>                         leftResult.total >= rightResult.total &&
>                         leftResult.total >= crossResult.total)
>                                 return leftResult;
>                 else if(rightResult.total <= k &&
>                                 rightResult.total >= leftResult.total &&
>                                 rightResult.total >= crossResult.total)
>                                         return rightResult;
>                 else return crossResult;
>         }
> }
> Gaurav
> On Dec 7, 2011, at 6:40 AM, sourabh singh wrote:
> > @ giridhar IS  correction missed increment j in outer loop: sry :-)
> > assuming u wanted k=13 ( max sum <=13)
> > start : i,j points to 1st element
> >        keep a track of sum between i to j
> > outer loop:   till j<a.length
> >                       sum=sum+a[j]
> >                        increment j
> > inner loop          till sum exceeds k.
> >                              increment i .    sum=sum-a[i]
> >                              keep track of max sum so far in max.
> > end :           max will have max sum < k.
> > values after each looping of outer loop:
> > i     j     sum    max
> > 0    0    0        0
> > 0    1    2        2
> > 0    2    9        9
> > 0    3    12      12
> > 2    4    7        12
> > 2    5    12      12
> > 4    6    13      13
> > On 12/7/11, sourabh singh <singhsourab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> @ giridhar IS
> >> assuming u wanted k=13 ( max sum <=13)
> >> start : i,j points to 1st element
> >>         keep a track of sum between i to j
> >> outer loop:   till j<a.length
> >>                        sum=sum+a[j]
> >> inner loop          till sum exceeds k.
> >>                               increment i .    sum=sum-a[i]
> >>                               keep track of max sum so far in max.
> >> end :           max will have max sum < k.
> >> values after each looping of outer loop:
> >> i     j     sum    max
> >> 0    0    0        0
> >> 0    1    2        2
> >> 0    2    9        9
> >> 0    3    12      12
> >> 2    4    7        12
> >> 2    5    12      12
> >> 4    6    13      13
> >> On 12/7/11, Chunyuan Ge <hhy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> My implementation, can anyone offer my test cases that i can verify?
> >>> struct Deal
> >>> {
> >>>    unsigned int nStartIndex;
> >>>    unsigned int nEndIndex;
> >>>    unsigned int nSum;
> >>>    Deal()
> >>>    {
> >>>        nStartIndex = 0;
> >>>        nEndIndex = 0;
> >>>        nSum = 0;
> >>>    }
> >>> };
> >>> int findBestDeal( const std::vector<unsigned int>& iHotelPrices, unsigned
> >>> int iLotteryPrice, Deal& bestDeal)
> >>> {
> >>>    /* for loop to find a. best solution in history
> >>>                        b. best solution end with j-1
> >>>    */
> >>>    Deal bestPotential;
> >>>    for (unsigned int i=0; i<iHotelPrices.size(); i++)
> >>>    {
> >>>        unsigned int nTemp = bestPotential.nSum + iHotelPrices[i];
> >>>        if ( nTemp <= iLotteryPrice)
> >>>        {
> >>>            bestPotential.nSum = nTemp;
> >>>            bestPotential.nEndIndex = i;
> >>>        }
> >>>        else
> >>>        {
> >>>            int nStepCount = 0;
> >>>            unsigned int newTemp = nTemp;
> >>>            do
> >>>            {
> >>>                newTemp -=
> >>> iHotelPrices[bestPotential.nStartIndex+nStepCount];
> >>>                nStepCount ++;
> >>>            }
> >>>            while (newTemp > iLotteryPrice);
> >>>            // better solution
> >>>            bestPotential.nSum = newTemp;
> >>>            bestPotential.nEndIndex = i;
> >>>            bestPotential.nStartIndex += nStepCount;
> >>>        }
> >>>        if (bestPotential.nSum > bestDeal.nSum)
> >>>        {
> >>>            bestDeal = bestPotential;
> >>>        }
> >>>    }
> >>>    return 0;
> >>> }
> >>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 4:58 AM, GIRIDHAR IS <gigir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> @sourabh
> >>>> can you explain me how it will work for this example????
> >>>> a[]={2,7,3,4,5,8,10}
> >>>> On Dec 7, 12:17 am, sourabh singh <singhsourab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>> @ sourabh :-) yep, got your point... it wont work for all cases.
> >>>>> but
> >>>>> if we set initial max to a negative value . say max possible 64 bit
> >>>>> -ve number.then ?
> >>>>> point is though the code has limitations it will work fine mostly.
> >>>>> On 12/5/11, sourabh <sourabhd2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>> @sourabh singh..
> >>>>>> Hey u don't need an example... I see a check "sum > max" in ur code
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>> calculate the max value, ryt ? Now ur initial value of max is set to
> >>>>>> 1. That means ur always assuming that the value whose closest is to
> >>>>>> be
> >>>>>> found is >= 1 , which is incorrect. What do you think ?
> >>>>>> On Dec 6, 12:24 am, sourabh singh <singhsourab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>> @ sourabh tried some cases its working on -ve as well. pls post
> >>>>>>> some
> >>>>>>> case in which it might not work.
> >>>>>>> On 12/5/11, sourabh <sourabhd2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>> @sourabh..
> >>>>>>>> I don't think it will work for all the cases.. did u consider
> >>>> negative
> >>>>>>>> integers as well... what i can understand from the above code is
> >>>> that
> >>>>>>>> u have taken 2 pointers of which one points to the beginning of
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>> subarray and other one at the end of the subarray and u r
> >>>>>>>> shifting
> >>>> the
> >>>>>>>> pointers based on the closest value.. this app is fine for non-
> >>>>>>>> negative integers but will fail when the given input contains
> >>>>>>>> both
> >>>> neg
> >>>>>>>> and pos integers...
> >>>>>>>> On Dec 5, 4:25 pm, sourabh singh <singhsourab...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> @ mohit my first post on here. this solution got ac  in spoj
> >>>>>>>>> main()
> >>>>>>>>> {
> >>>>>>>>>           unsigned int n,m,sum,max,i,j;
> >>>>>>>>>                sum=0;max=1;
> >>>>>>>>>                n=in.ReadNextUInt();
> >>>>>>>>>                m=in.ReadNextUInt();
> >>>>>>>>>                unsigned int *a = new unsigned int[n];
> >>>>>>>>>                    unsigned int *p = a;
> >>>>>>>>>                for (i=0; i < n; i++)
> >>>>>>>>>                            *(p++) = in.ReadNextUInt();
> >>>>>>>>>                    i=0;
> >>>>>>>>>                j=0;
> >>>>>>>>>                while(j<n)
> >>>>>>>>>                {
> >>>>>>>>>                         sum+=a[j++];
> >>>>>>>>>                         while(sum>m)
> >>>>>>>>>                         {
> >>>>>>>>>                                     sum-=a[i++];
> >>>>>>>>>                         }
> >>>>>>>>>                         if(sum>max)
> >>>>>>>>>                                    max=sum;
> >>>>>>>>>                }
> >>>>>>>>>                out.WriteUInt(max,'\n');
> >>>>>>>>>       out.Flush();
> >>>>>>>>>       return 0;
> >>>>>>>>> }
> >>>>>>>>> On 11/28/11, Mohit kumar lal <kumarmohit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Given a array of positive integers ,You have to find the
> >>>>>>>>>> largest
> >>>> sum
> >>>>>>>>>> possible from consecutive sub-array but sum should be less
> >>>>>>>>>> than
> >>>> or
> >>>>>>>>>> equal
> >>>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> K and also find that sub-array. Ex- array={2,1,3,4,5} k=12,
> >>>>>>>>>> ans->12, sub-array={3,4,5}
> >>>>>>>>>> Firstly i tried with brute-force and then i also tried to
> >>>>>>>>>> solve
> >>>> it by
> >>>>>>>>>> DP
> >>>>>>>>>> but complexity were same ( O(n^2)) ....so plz try to provide a
> >>>>>>>>>> solution
> >>>>>>>>>> for
> >>>>>>>>>> O(nlgn) or O(n).
> >>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> Mohit kumar lal
> >>>>>>>>>> IIIT ALLAHABAD
> >>>>>>>>>> --
> >>>>>>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the
> >>>> Google
> >>>>>>>>>> Groups
> >>>>>>>>>> "Algorithm Geeks" group.
> >>>>>>>>>> To post to this group, send email to
> >>>>>>>>>> algogeeks@googlegroups.com.
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> ...
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