The way i see it this problem is a bit more complicated.

Say, for example the given no. is X = 2^3 * 3^5 ... Now if we want to
reduce X in the form M^N where both M and N > 1 then its not possible.

Hence, the actual problem reduces to finding not only the prime
factors but actual prime factorization.. i.e

Once X is factored in the form of   p1^q1 * p2^q2 ..... * pN^qN ....
the question whether X can be factored in the form m^n depends on
whether the
GCD (q1, q2, q3, ... qN) > 1. If yes, then it can be expressed in the
form of m^n..

Just a slight modification to the above mentioned algos would solve
the problem...
To find the GCD of multiple elements we can use the following fact:

GCD(a, b, c) = GCD ( GCD(a,b) , c)... This can be extended to any no.
of elements.

Say, the input no. is X...

int uLmt = sqrt(X);

int currPowCnt = -1;

int GCD = -1;

for ( int i = 2; i <= uLmt; ++i)
   currPowCnt = 0;
   if (X % i == 0)
     while (X % i == 0)
        X /= i;

     GCD = (GCD == -1 ? currPowCnt : CalculateGCD(GCD, currPowCnt)) ;

       CalculateGCD is a method to calculate the GCD of 2 nos.

     // come out from the for loop as we don't need to process any
     if ( GCD == 1)

if ( X > 1 || GCD == 1)
   printf ("Not Possible");
   printf ("Possible");

On Dec 26, 9:49 pm, top coder <> wrote:
> Hello Samm
> I got your approach
> It seems it is not working for some of the examples
> Eg: N = 6
> 6 = 2X3  = 1X6 and hence it is not possible
> but your code prints "Yes possible".
> On Dec 26, 9:03 pm, SAMMM <> wrote:
> > From Wht I can understand from problm to check whether N can be
> > expressed a m^n : Eg: 1331=11^3
> > What comes to my mind is to get all prime factors from 2 to SQRT(N)
> > [Prime Sieve] , Here N is the Given Integer .
> > Now Iterate over the prime number(p) from 2 to Sqrt(N)
> >  do
> >    T=N;
> >    if(!(T%p)) while(!(T%p)) T/=p;
> >    if(T==1) {printf("Yes possible");break;}
> >  done
> >  if (p>Sqrt(N)) printf("Not Possible");

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