Well my algo will be Something like this

1> Get a Random number. Perhaps You can have the function like Randon(List
*head, int Randomnumber)

2> Use the function argument Randomnumber to loop the list.
            i.e. for(int count=0;count<=Randomnumber;count++ ){
                           head = head -> next;

3> print (head->value);

4> return ;

Now as we are using byvalue when we return the value of head remains the
same old head value. So everytime we call we are traversing the same old

 The Random variable can be taken inside the function itself if the user is
not taking the random value.
 i.e. int Randomnumber = random();  and now the user can calll Simple

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 3:31 PM, naveen shukla <
naveenshuklasweetdrea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> random node


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