Use data structure to hold first position and last position of line // line 
- sequence of "0" elements in one of the dimensions in your matrix

Search lines in each dimension and store in array of line[s] //for 
optimization, store in separate array for each dimension: 
array1stDimension,array2ndDimension, array3Dimension
For each line in array[n]stDimension search intersections( +/- 1 diagonal) 
with lines in array[n+1]Dimension (perpendicular),
                if found two or more such(perpendicular) lines 
                       search parallel line from array[n]stDimension that 
have intersections at least with two of given perpendicular lines
                               if found, calculate area of such rectangle 
and compare to current max value, // here in case of 3d, store rectangle as 
surface structure in array
                                    if greater than max value, set max:= 
current val and remember coordinates of submatrix

In case of 2d array(matrix), it's all. 
For 3d array most easy way is to implement structure surface, and search 
intersections with other surface[s] to get cube

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