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User gaute changed the following:

                What    |Old value                 |New value
                        |d,pescetti,thing'         |tgodard,pescetti,thing'

------- Additional comments from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tue Feb 20 12:34:29 +0000 
2007 -------
I hesitated to add these comments to this issue, as it's a more radical 
approach than "mere aggregation".

However, let me explain the basic idea: The main part of the code stays LGPL 
like today, but is included into a larger GPL-ed program. It's possible for the 
main code to stay LGPL-ed, because LGPL is GPL compatible. But it would now 
also become possible to include additional GPL-ed components like dictionaries 
(even if not considered "mere aggregation").

As for non-GPL libraries, I don't know. Is that still a problem when the main 
part of the code remains LGPL?

(There are of course a number of GPL-compatible licenses which should pose no 
problem. I don't think that's what you're talking about, though. http:// )

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