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------- Additional comments from Wed Jul 29 23:38:11 +0000 
2009 -------
Idea 1) 
 - Consider a first name as a text data displayed at the first position.
 - Do not touch any existing source codes relevant to a name of author.
 - Translate a term "first name" into "FAMILY NAME" in Japanese.

Idea 2)
 - Consider a first name as a given name. 
 - Enhance everywhere in the source codes relevant to a name of author.
 - Translate a term "first name" depending on the target culture. 

Idea 3)
 - Introduce another layer which treats cultural differences and converts 
   a concept of given and family names into cultural depending fields. 

(Data input layer)
   User enters his/her given name and family name. 

(Translation layer)
  In Western 
   Given name ---> field number 1
   Family name --> field number 2

  In Japanese
   Given name ---> field number 2
   Family name --> field number 1

(Rendering layer)
   The field number 1 is followed by the field number 2.
   The field number 2 is followed by the field number 3, 

Any more idea?

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