On 6 May 2005 11:59, Joerg Barfurth wrote:

> Yury Tarasievich wrote:
> >>the strings from the toolbar are comming from the xcu files located in
> >>officecfg , most res ( .src !) file only contain dialogs. So please go
> >>into output tree ( officecfg/unxXXXX/misc/* ) to the merged xcu files
> >>and look if you can find files containing en-US and de but not your
> >>language.
> >
> > Haha, much simpler than that. There was mix of previously built xcu's
> > lying in $HOME/.openoffice... dir. And when these are newer (file
> > timestamp) than the respective base xcu in en-US branch in
> > /opt/openoffice/.../registry/..., then even newer overrides in
> > /opt/openoffice/... do not get used.
> That is not entirely true. The xcu's in $HOME/.openoffice... are
> combined with the contents of the ones in /opt/openoffice/... Their
> timestamp does not matter.

They are if the cache doesn't get in the way.
> So if you only changed localized data for an existing language, you
> should rm $HOME/.openoffice*/user/registry/cache/*.dat after installing.

Right, exactly what I did.

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