> 1a) Get Abramo to post (or point to) detailed information on using a
>    "share" PCM device
> 1b) Get Abramo or Jaroslav to post (or point to) detailed information
>    on setting up libaoss (specifically, how to map /dev/dspN to a
>    ALSA PCM device)
> 2) edit your ~/.asoundrc file to define a "share" PCM device
> 3) run all your legacy (OSS) apps with LD_PRELOAD set to preload
>       a small wrapper script is useful for this; ALSA may already
>       come with one (*)
> 4) run all your newer (ALSA) apps with an argument telling it to use
>      the "share" PCM device
> and you should be done. if, that is, the "share" device type is really
> working. if not, you can help us debug it.
> --p
> (*) something like:
> % cat aoss
> #!/bin/sh
> export LD_PRELOAD=/where/i/put/libaoss.so
> exec $*
> %
> then you can just run OSS apps like this:
> % aoss oss-app-name oss-app-args...
> i know this appears hacky. like i said, there is no way around this
> because of the way OSS was designed.

Wow, finally a huge step forward!:-)

I really do not care if it is a hacker-like way of doing stuff as long
as it works. I will try fiddling with what you gave me and post some
results when (and if) I get anywhere with it... Thanks once more for a
concise explanation...

Is there anyone else with some kind of experience in this field? Maybe
it is time to start documenting this potentially awesome feature... I
could easily provide webspace and/or maintain the docs webpage if
needed, as long as I can get a pool of people working on this issue with
me... Anyone interested?


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