>> Paul Davis wrote:
>> #!/usr/local/bin/perl
>> while(<>) {
>>       if (/MODULE_PARM_DESC/) {
>>           @foo = split /[()]/;
>>               @bar = split (/,/, $foo[1], 2);
>>           $bar[1] =~ s/"//g;
>>               printf ("%-32s %s\n", $bar[0], $bar[1]);
>>           }
>> }
>> add something to recurse through the source tree, and include the
>> module name and card name info, and you're pretty much done ...

I tried the above but it didn't work for me by itself and I don't have 
the insight at the moment to get it to. Thanks anyway because you jogged 
my memory.

I remembered that Jaroslav had given me a command a while ago (last 
year) to get the  module options for each module.

modinfo $(modprobe -l snd-*) | cat > /art/code/alsa/modinfo

This returns a reasonably readable file. If I make a perl script to 
parse that and print a more readable version then I have what I need for 

Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
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