Sorry if I didn't understand your problem, but here goes.

Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> Does anybody know how to get all the text from a text area to post when 
> it includes " and ' marks?
> I am using stripslashes($var) to pass the variable between pages with 
> success but when I do the final post if I use "" around the VALUE in the 
> input line the text gets cut off at the first " or if I use '' the text 
> gets cut off at the first '.
> eg.
>        <INPUT NAME='note' TYPE='hidden' VALUE="<?echo 
> stripslashes($note); ?>">
> or
>        <INPUT NAME='note' TYPE='hidden' VALUE='<?echo 
> stripslashes($note); ?>'>

Those look the same to me, so I assume you meant the other one with 
citation marks.

Anyway, you should use htmlspecialchars() to turn the special characters 
interfering html markup (' # & < >) to html entities. So:

<INPUT NAME="note" TYPE="hidden" VALUE="<?echo 
htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($note)); ?>">

> $MailToAddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $MailSubject = "ALSA: doc notes additions";
>     if (!$YourAddress) {
>     $YourAddress = "Null";
>     }

Hmmm... you're testing $Youraddress for integer, was that the intention? 
If $Youraddress doesn't contain a number in the beginning of the string, 
it fails and $Youradddress turns to "Null".

I also assumed you're using PHP.

Tell me more if I got it completely wrong ;)


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