
I was going to send this message:

>Thank you very much for your response, I appreciate the help.
>I turned AUX up, but that doesn't seem to have helped.
>I've also taken the opportunity to update my system info textfile.
>Overview of changes:
>        * latest CVS stuff
>        * verbose-printk and debug=full are compiled in
>        * cleaned up my startup to use a stock init.d script
>        * extra modprobes and opl3 patches now loaded in
>          /etc/alsa.d/ymfpci
>        * aux turned up all the way
>        * included a test program I wrote to use the
>          /dev/dmfm interface.
>        http://www.icequake.net/~witwerg/ymfpci.txt
>Thanks to all,

However, I got an urge to kernel hack and added a mixer for
the FM synth.  I also tried to make sure that the ioport for
volume wasn't being written to or read from, if the card didn't
have fm enabled.  However, it works!  I have fm synth now.
The following is what `cvs diff` outputs in regards to the
alsa-kernel directory.  If the patch isn't in a usable format,
one might have to tell me the exact CVS arguments to use:


Thanks all,

Philip Thiem

> the options look already good.  perhaps only the mixer issue.
> on the YMFPCI chip, the FM might be connected to Aux.
> try to turn on Aux Playback and raise its volume.
> Takashi

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