> Just one problem remains to be solved for this card:  The Audiophile
> 24/96 is a 4-in, 4-out card (stereo analog input and output, plus
> independent SPDIF input and output).  But only one set of inputs and
> outputs is showing up for use:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] thoffman]$ cat /proc/asound/pcm
> 01-00: ICE1712 multi : ICE1712 multi : playback 1 : capture 1
> Shouldn't there be separate devices for the analog & SPDIF inputs and
> outputs?  If not, how do I send different signals to the analog &
> digital outputs?

You have to create .asoundrc to your home directory.

for spdif, put:

        type plug
        ttable.0.8 1
        ttable.1.9 1
        slave.pcm {
                type hw
                card 1
                device 0

(If I remember correctly, your card was no. 1, if not, change 'card 1')

This device can be used like this:

aplay -D 2496_spdif foo.wav
arecord -D 2496_spdif -f dat bar.wav

For combined analog & digital performance (4 channels):

        type plug
        ttable.0.0 1
        ttable.1.1 1
        ttable.2.8 1
        ttable.3.9 1
        slave.pcm {
        type hw
        card 1
        device 0

then record 4 channels:

arecord -D 2496_4ch -c 4 -f cd foobar.wav

I'm not sure how you can easily send different signals to analog & digital
outputs. I guess if you have 4 channel wav, the first two channels will be
played to analog and 3&4 to digital output.

Tommi Uimonen

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