On Wed, 20 Feb 2002, Jan Suhr wrote:

> ecasound -i 24bit_test.wav -f:s24,2,44100 -o alsa,default
> it works, no problem!

Ok, good to hear. That means your ALSA drivers are working ok.

> But my own wav file doesnt work; its noise you know.

Now you just need a program that can read it. Few question:

- with what program have you created the file?
- can you put a sample file (small one if possible) somewhere  
  on the web, so I can take a look at what is causing trouble
  to ecasound?

If you are using development version of ecasound, you could try the
following (turn down the volume before trying):

ecasound -f:s32,2,96000 -i typeselect,.raw,96_24bit_excerpt.wav \
         -o alsa,default 

This reads the 24bit files as a raw 32bit audio file.

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