At Fri, 29 Nov 2002 01:12:28 -0600,
alsa user wrote:
> Using a Crystal cs4237B device with ALSA drivers from either
> the stable release or the latest development release.
> When opening and reading from the audio device (/dev/audio
> or /dev/dsp0) the system hangs. [Opening the device for write
> only is no problem -- and playing music works great.]
> With latest 0.9 release things are definitely better (than with 0.5),
> but reading /dev/audio or /dev/dsp0 still causes same lockup.
> What works:
> It is possible to record audio using "arecord" or "record" and at the
> same time play some tune in a different Unix process using "aplay"
> (and ALSA playing quality is outstanding!). It is also possible
> to do conference calls with gnomemeeting, however once in a while
> the kernel will still freeze.
> What never works: kernel will always freeze within a second
> of reading from /dev/dsp0 or /dev/audio (e.g. cat /dev/dsp0).
> Detailed configurations attached.

it sounds like a problem on OSS emulation.
could you try to playback and capture at the same time _via OSS
emulation_ ?  it doesn't matter whether it's a single process or not.
just run e.g. "play" and "rec" (both from sox) at the same time.



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