On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 20:04, Steve Jones wrote:
> Tinus,
> On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 08:04:36PM +0200, Tinus Kotz? wrote:
> > > > apt-get install alsa-xmms
> > > 
> > > I get very distorted playback.
> > > 
> > Try bringing down the volume to about 50% on main and PCM
> > and see what happens. I have found that with my drivers,
> > even if I bing down the main volume, my xmms would still
> > distort. I must bring down its volume to about 80% for
> > good undistorted quality.
> Still very distorted. It's not the clipping sort of
> distortion. It's the strange, mostly high-end distortion
> many have described here on this list regarding the via82xx.
> I am also unable to capture audio as described by others
> here.
Haven't tried to capture audio yet, but for the distortion, I am
guessing you are talking about crackling kind of sound, like
interference. Things to possibly look at is the priority of the modules
that supply the sound. I have had problems in the passed(not my current
via8235) with dma clashes, or not dma enabled for the card. Also with
xmms not having enough priority that the sound keeps being interrupted
on small intervals causing a crackling kind of sound. Another possibilty
is the sampling rate. I unfortantely don't now much about this
implementation and therse are only theories. Some time in the future I
will go look at the source when I have time.


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