On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 15:45:25 +1000
Mark Constable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 12:35 pm, Florian Schmidt wrote:
> > Let me once again reply to my own question. If i get this solved, i
> > promise to make an addition to the wikki so everyone gets to know
> > how to use this..
> Excellent... I've ben following this thread too and was going to try
> and summarize it best I could on the wiki too... but you are the man.
> A point to clarify is how dmix-plugin differs from jack. I still don't
> know.

Well, dmix is just a alsa plugin which allows creating of a pcm device,
which then allows multiple "opens". JACK is a full featured sound server
which features software mixing amongst a whole load of other features..

The dmix plugin would be fantastic because every native ALSA-app should
be able to output sound through it. If you want to use JACK, you have to
make sure, that the apps you want to use, also support JACK
(rosegarden4, muse, etc..). 

>From a developers Point Of View, it is very tiresome to develop for
gazillions of sound systems (which is the state of art right now on
linux). So it would be cool, if they were able just to settle for alsa
for simple consumer apps, and maybe use JACK for full featured audio

Well, if you have Jack running und Apps work with it, then there should
be (as read in the docs) a way to make normal alsa-apps use JACK.
There's a "jack" plugin for alsa, which i didn't manage to use (It seems
it needs to be compiled seperately. look into the alsa-lib source. You
wil find a directory: src/pcm/ext)..

Well theoretically, one should be able to install the jack plugin,
create a pcm device via the .asoundrc, and then make alsa apps use this
pcm device which in turn would use JACK, which would enable software
sound mixing for native alsa apps. But this would only work, if the jack
plugin worked :) argh!

Florian Schmidt

sound clips - http://www.arted.biz/mista.tapas

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