
I'm trying sending this again because it didn't go straight through the first 
time even though I am subscribed to the list. 

I've set up an old pentium box in my living room to play mp3's through my 
hi-fi, tape records to cd and stuff like that. Playback is working fine with 
the alsa sbawe module, but I can't work out how to get a decent quality 
recording. The card is an isa-pnp soundblaster 32 awe.
The soundcard is plugged into the tape2 output of an old rotel amp. I've also 
tried the tape1 output, which works fine when connected to my analogue tape 
recorder, so I don't think it's that. I've been trying to do test recordings 
from vinyl records by selecting tape2 and phono on the amp, then setting the 
line input to capture, and using 'arecord -f cd -t au foo.au'. Something does 
get recorded, but it is very distorted, and nowhere near good enough for what 
I want. I'm assuming this is because the soundcard's ADC is clipping the 
I've looked for a control in amixer or alsamixer which will set the line 
recording level, but nothing works. I have tried:
- using the 'Capture Volume' control. This has only 4 levels, 0-3, and makes 
no difference to the recorded sound as far as I can tell. I can't believe 
that a decent-ish soundcard like this doesn't have a more sensitive input 
gain control than this, so I'm not sure what this control does.
- setting the Line playback volume lower when Line is switched to capture. 
This does affect the recording, but not in the way I'd hoped - the signal is 
still distorted/clipping, but it just gets harder to hear. (I set the level 
back to normal for playback, so it is something in the recording.)

There is another control called 'Line Capture Route' which has four boolean 
parameters - I have no idea what this does.

An odd thing happerns when there is a record playing into the Line in input - 
if the card is set to capture, there is no sound from Line out, but if the 
card is set to playback, a faint trace of the input sound can be heard over 
the speakers.

below is a dump of the output from amixer - these settings give a very loud 
distorted recording from phono.


monkey:/home/andy# amixer contents
numid=2,iface=MIXER,name='Master Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=25,25
numid=4,iface=MIXER,name='Tone Control - Bass'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=15,step=0
  : values=8,8
numid=5,iface=MIXER,name='Tone Control - Treble'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=15,step=0
  : values=8,8
numid=6,iface=MIXER,name='PCM Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=25,25
numid=22,iface=MIXER,name='Synth Tone Control - Bass'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=11,step=0
  : values=5
numid=23,iface=MIXER,name='Synth Tone Control - Treble'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=11,step=0
  : values=9
numid=8,iface=MIXER,name='Synth Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=0,0
numid=7,iface=MIXER,name='Synth Capture Route'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=4
  : values=off,off,off,off
numid=26,iface=MIXER,name='FM Chorus Depth'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=255,step=0
  : values=0
numid=27,iface=MIXER,name='FM Reverb Depth'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=255,step=0
  : values=0
numid=13,iface=MIXER,name='Line Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=2
  : values=off,off
numid=14,iface=MIXER,name='Line Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=25,25
numid=12,iface=MIXER,name='Line Capture Route'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=4
  : values=on,off,off,on
numid=10,iface=MIXER,name='CD Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=2
  : values=off,off
numid=11,iface=MIXER,name='CD Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=0,0
numid=9,iface=MIXER,name='CD Capture Route'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=4
  : values=off,off,off,off
numid=16,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Playback Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
  : values=off
numid=17,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=0
numid=15,iface=MIXER,name='Mic Capture Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=2
  : values=off,off
numid=18,iface=MIXER,name='PC Speaker Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=0
numid=19,iface=MIXER,name='Capture Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=3,3
numid=20,iface=MIXER,name='Playback Volume'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=2,min=0,max=3,step=0
  : values=0,0
numid=3,iface=MIXER,name='3D Enhancement Switch'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
  : values=off
numid=21,iface=MIXER,name='Auto Mic Gain'
  ; type=BOOLEAN,access=rw---,values=1
  : values=off
numid=24,iface=MIXER,name='Chorus Mode'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=2
numid=25,iface=MIXER,name='Reverb Mode'
  ; type=INTEGER,access=rw---,values=1,min=0,max=31,step=0
  : values=4
numid=1,iface=PCM,name='16-bit DMA Allocation'
  ; type=ENUMERATED,access=rw---,values=1,items=3
  ; Item #0 'Auto'
  ; Item #1 'Playback'
  ; Item #2 'Capture'
  : values=0

P.S. I've gone back to OSS for the time being, because this does have an input 
level control with a decent range on it, but I'd still like to get alsa 
working on this machine if possible, so help would be appreciated.

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Thanks, andy.

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