Hello, it has been a long time since I reported my problem w/ ALSA 0.9.4 and Intel ICH4 on GNOME 2.2/XMMS. Here the mail. This evening I tried ALSA 0.9.6, but I got the same problem and after some test I found the solution.

on 02/07/2003 22.55, Luca Capello wrote:
I reinstalled ALSA packages and now I found the problem: it seems as
there's a little problem when I've only a sound card installed. I mean,
in the new installation from .deb packages I selected 2 sound cards:
- the dummy one
- the intel8x0
Then, when I started XMMS as normal user 'luca' and I choose the 2nd
sound card (the 1st is the "dummy" one, the 2nd the "intel8x0" one): all
worked perfectly. So, I made some different test:

- it doesn't matter if the nodes in the /dev dir are owned by
'root.audio' or 'luca.audio' or 'luca.luca' (anyway, all the general
symbolic lynk are owned by 'root.root'), so I left all the /dev nodes as
from the 'snddevices' script ('root.audio')

- if I configured only one sound card (the "intel8x0") I can't use XMMS
as normal user, but only as 'root' (even changing the permission and the
owners of /dev nodes)

As I installed 2 sound cards, but only the snd-card-1 is the real one, I
created all the symbolic links to the related snd-card-1 devices and now
 even my normal user can benefit fo the ALSA packages :-)

I don't understand what's the real problem, anyway now it works, this is
the important. Thanks to all for the help!
As I wrote above, I found the real problem: I installed also the complete 'esound' (client, common and daemon), as GNOME 2.2 requires it. So, w/o the daemon started and only one card (snd-i8x0), even a 'normal user' can use sound. So the problem was due to 'esound'. Now I've purged the daemon and client package (the common files are the only real required by GNOME) and all is ok.

Thx anyway to all people having helped me, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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