Francesco Abbate hat gesagt: // Francesco Abbate wrote:

> Hallo everyone,
> I've recently switch to the 2.6.0 kernel and I've decided to
> switch to ALSA too.
> I've enabled ALSA into the kernel *without* OSS emulation 

Why? *Many* software still requires OSS emulation, sfxload being on of
it. And several ALSA enabled software still works better if it uses
their OSS mode, which is not ALSA's fault, but their's.

> In the alsaplayer man page the developers writes
> ----------------------
> -r, --realtime
>        Enable realtime scheduling.  To use this as a  nor­
>        mal user, alsaplayer must be SUID root.
> ----------------------
> but if I set alsaplayer SUID root the application won't work
> because GTK refuse to start a SUID gtk application.

This complain should go to the GTK folks. They thought they were
trying to do something good, but it doesn't work out in the end. 

But I normally run alsaplayer without "-r" and it works very well
normally. If not, you can use "-f, --fragsize " to set alsaplayer's
buffer larger than 4096 (which actually already is quite large).  This
gives worse latency, but low latency normally isn't needed in
applications like Alsaplayer. 

> Yet another problem: ALSA seems to be more CPU intensive of OSS.  In
> particular some simple games with sound support and using SDL cannot
> work decently of my PC while thet works very well with OSS. The CPU
> get a very heavy load and the sound is badly scattered (buffer
> underrun I suppose).  May be this happens because SDL open
> "plughw:0,0" by default instead of "hw:0,0" and the sound is subject
> to software resampling ?

Yes, this may be. What card do you have? 

> I've verified that my PC can play MP3 without any problem but
> I've not compared the CPU load with OSS.
> I want to stress that this is a MAJOR problem because SDL are
> widely used.

I've found that SDL-apps generally work better when they run in OSS
mode (even with ALSA's emulation).

> But the really important problem is about MIDI.
> There is a severe lack of information about MIDI playing and
> in particular about AWE32/64 hardware.
> Although I'm not stupid and I've readed many things about ALSA
> still I haven't succeeded to play a *single* midi file !

Well, you have probably succeded in playing the file just well, but
you couldn't hear anything, because no synth was attached.

> With the old OSS audio system there were clean instruction of
> what to do to make AWE32/64 works. It seems that with ALSA you've
> missed this point. Essentially your instruction covers only PCM
> playback with AWE32/64.
> Also you speak everywhere in the document about "OSS emulation" and
> it seems that OSS emulation is required in order to have ALSA works.
> Returning to the MIDI problem:
> with "pmidi -l" I get somwthing like this
> --------------------------
>  Port     Client name                       Port name
>  64:0     Rawmidi 0 - MPU-401 (UART) 0-0    MPU-401 (UART) 0-0
>  65:0     Emu8000 WaveTable                 Emu8000 Port 0
>  65:1     Emu8000 WaveTable                 Emu8000 Port 1
>  65:2     Emu8000 WaveTable                 Emu8000 Port 2
>  65:3     Emu8000 WaveTable                 Emu8000 Port 3
>  66:0     OPL3 FM synth                     OPL3 FM Port
> --------------------------
> so it seems that everything should work with the "65:0" device.
> Of course I need to load the soundfonts but the old sfxload
> doesn't work because it was made for OSS and not for ALSA.
> Pmidi instructions says to use sfxload to load the font but
> of course sfxload doesn't works !!
> Is OSS emulation needed ?
> Where are the information required ?
> My impression is that ALSA developers have neglected MIDI
> playing during the development of ALSA in favor of PCM.

No, midi works very well and is much more flexible than it was under
OSS-Free. But if you want to use the synth on the AWE you have to load
a soundfont (as was the case with OSS-Free, too). sfxload still isn't
ported to ALSA, so try OSS-Emulation. Make sure, you also enable the
ALSA sequencer again. Then "sfxload /the/soundfont.sf2" will prepare
the AWE synth. 

Alternativly you can use one of the many software synths to play midi
notes, like fluidsynth, timidity or some others like even Csound or

 Frank Barknecht                               _ ______footils.org__

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