On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Jason Clouse wrote:

> I'm not sure this document is really all that descriptive.  For
> example:
> ttable {    # Transfer table (bidimensional compound of
>              # cchannels * schannels numbers)
> Some questions:
> 1.  What does transfer table mean?  It's kind of obscure and
> non-intuitive.
> 2.  Why not call this "transfer_table" or "TransferTable" instead of
> "ttable."  Yuck.
> 3.  "bidimensional compound of cchannels * schannels numbers".  What
> are cchannels?  What are schannels?  Numbers?  Bidimensional compound?
>   What does it all mean?
> If somebody can give me a full explanation of this, I'll be glad to
> fix the documentation for you.

I'm kind of new to this list, but this sounds
like an excellent opportunity to me.  I don't
code for ALSA, but I am a developer, and
I know I prefer to focus on development,
and that I'm not the best at creating end-user
readable documentation (witness this sentence).

If I'm reading your offer correctly, Jason, it
sounds like you're proposing that:
1. You find the places in the documentation that
   aren't what a typical user will be looking for.
2. You would then ask the developers to clarify
   those sections to you (hopefully in a slightly
   less antagonistic fashion than above, but
3. You would convert the (presumably still somewhat
   jargon laden) responses into proper technical
   writing, and post it in the wiki.

If this is what you're proposing, I think it would
probably be a big help to the ALSA team.  Of course,
some things (like ttable vs. transfer_table) may
turn out to be not documentation issues, and so
be prepared that not everything will come out
exactly as you are hoping.

Again, I'm new here, and may be out of line, but
it sounds like what you're offering is a pretty
good deal.

  Some issues are more important than others.
  Too much debt hurts everyone.

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