On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 16:48:15 -0500 (EST)
"Jason M. Sullivan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm in the process of trying to get ALSA up and running on an RH9
> The encoders (Helix, from real, and darkice (for ogg encoding)),
> support OSS/Free style devices.  So, is there a way to fork the input
> stream and make two virtual OSS/Free devices under ALSA?  Moderate
> reading of the documentation and WIKIs didn't yeild much.

Hi, to share a capture stream between several apps, you can use the
dsnoop plugin. You will then also have to tweak the OSS emu to use a pcm
device defined in your .asoundrc. 

Read the pages about Oss-emu:


and about dmix [not the same as dsnoop, but the genral workings should
become clear]:


and the .asoundrc documentation:


There's a new plugin called asym which can be used to combine both dmix
and dsnoop into a single pcm device. This can be very useful. Search
this ML for "asym", since we don't have any info about it in either the
wiki nor the official alsa docs [as far as i know]..

The info is there. You only need to do some more digging.. Depending on
your hardware and how these apps talk to the oss devices your milage may
vary though..



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