
i talked a bit with peter in the #alsa channel on irc.freenode.org and i
found i can reproduce the behaviour on my machine. I have included my
full .asoundrc and some more info about my machine at the bottom of this

So basically it goes like this: my soundcard does support hw mixing for
playback streams. It does not support opening the capture stream twice. 

Test: Use "arecord -D hw:0,0" in two terms at the same time
Result: second arecord blocks until first one exits.

I get baically the same for using sox to record something:

Test: Use "sox -t ossdsp /dev/dsp fooN.wav" in two terms at the same
time [N = 1,2]
Result: second sox blocks until first one exits [you can see in the
length of the recorded .wavs. sox iteself is not too verbose].

Now we test the "pasymed" device which is just asym pointing to dmix and
dsnoop and a plug plugin to do the converting magic [see .asoundrc]:

Test: Use "arecord -D pasymed" in two terms at the same time
Result: second arecord does _not_ block. dsnoop and asym seem to do
their thing [i record silence, but see my other mail on that]

Now, the pcm.dsp0 definition in the .asoundrc should point the aoss
script to the asymed device. Sadly it still blocks. 

Test: Use "aoss sox -t ossdsp /dev/dsp fooN.wav" in two terms at the
same time [N = 1,2]
Result: second sox blocks until first one exits..

Now the question is: does the "virtual dsp device" of aoss _always_
block for capture? If not, what parameters might influence the
behaviiour of that? We tried playing around with the /proc interface of
the kernel level OSS emu [as described here:
http://alsa-project.org/~iwai/OSS-Emulation.html] but to no avail.
Interestingly, something like

echo sox 0 0 non-block > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss

_does_ have an effect on aoss, too. It actually has the same effect on
kernel level OSS emu and the aoss script. After the above command all
sox always returns immeaditly to the command line when trying to record.
It's the same for sox with or w/o aoss.

So what might be the fault here? Does OSS support multiple opening of
capture streams anyway?


On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 09:44:38 +0100
Peter Kirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> what I want to do is to run two oss applications that want to record
> at once. After following the relevant documentation from this list, I
> have it setup so that I can record to two differnt files with two
> instances of "arecord", at the same time. (I run "arecord -d 10" in
> two terminals, and both output gibberish when I whistle to my mic).
> The Problem:
> If I run a oss recorder (such as "rec"), then arecord will be blocked
> until rec has finished...this also happens if I run "aoss rec
> out.wav". What do I have to do to make the oss application behave
> none-blocking ? It seems to me oss applications are not using my
> carfuly crafted "asymed" pcm that does the dmixing and dsnooping for
> me... I have added a few entries to .asoundrc (with no success) to try
> and force the oss application to use the asymed pcm):
> pcm.dsp0 {
>         type plug
>         slave.pcm "asymed"
> }
> ctl.mixer0 {
>         type hw
>         card 0
> }
> pcm.!default {
>         type plug
>         slave.pcm "asymed"
> }
> Can anybody tell me what Im doing wrong ? Or what I might try ?
> Thanks in advance
> Peter

my .asoundrc:

-----.asoundrc start
#asym fun start here. we define one pcm device called "dmixed"
pcm.dmixed {
        ipc_key 1025
        type dmix
        slave.pcm "hw:0,0"

#one called "dsnooped" for capturing 
pcm.dsnooped {
        ipc_key 1026
        type dsnoop
        slave.pcm "hw:0,0"

#and this is the real magic
pcm.asymed {
        type asym
        playback.pcm "dmixed"
        capture.pcm "dsnooped"

#a quick plug plugin for above device to do the converting magic. saves
#typing when settng the pcm name in an alsa app
pcm.pasymed {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "asymed"

#a ctl device to keep xmms happy
ctl.pasymed {
        type hw
        card 0


#here we try to point the aoss script to our asymed device
pcm.dsp0 {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "asymed"

ctl.mixer0 {
        type hw
        card 0
----.asoundrc end

signature :)

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