I tried using both pmidi and aplay midi and I get the
exact same results.  One thing that is weird is that
classical midis seem to play fine, or at least better
than rock midis.  The rock midis play fine in windows,
however, using the microsoft synthesizer.  Even on the
rock midis it seems liek the problem is primarily with
the percussion, whereas the melody seems fine mostly. 
I downloaded a different set of patches (the eaw) and
it hasn't changed.  I checked the system monitor and
the cpu isn't going above 42 percent, and the ram
usage isn't going over 280 mb out of 768.  To
reiterate the problem, it seems like there is some
major tempo problem; it seems like it is constantly
speeding up and slowing down as if it were trying to
match the desired tempo but it can only do so within
about a 30% range on either side.  

Here is the output after running timidity:
Requested buffer size 2048, fragment size 1024
ALSA pcm 'default' set buffer size 64768, period size
16192 bytes
TiMidity starting in ALSA server mode
Opening sequencer port: 128:0 128:1 128:2 128:3

I'm using timidity++ version 2.13.0-rc2

Thanks for the help.


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