On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, F. Heitkamp wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Tommi Sakari Uimonen wrote:
> > > > > Has anyone got the subject card to work with Linux?  I have followed all
> > > > > the instructions to the best of my ability but can't get a musical peep
> > > > > out of the card with Linux.
> > > >
> > > > and you have set the dac volumes up?
> > >
> > > I tried every combination of buttons/sliders I could think of.  I have
> > > been trying to just play a CD through the card using a number of
> > > different CD player apps as well as XMMS etc..  If you can tell me the
> > > settings for doing that I will try it.
> >
> > "just play cd" is actually not the easiest case. Since 2496 does not have
> > cd-audio cable connector (directly from cd to sound card, like most SB's)
> > it requires that the player reads the cd to data and then outputs it to
> > soundcard. In xmms it's some plugin whose name I just can't remeber right
> > now.
> >
> > Simplest case should be playing some wav file with aplay.
> >
> > Keep the envy24control open and aplay something. If you see action in
> > the vu meters, at least something is working. If the dac volumes are up
> > and pcm out 1&2 is routed to hw outs, you should be hearing stuff.
> >
> On the envy24control the PCM Out 1-8 are all pegged.  The HW In and S/PDIF
> show nothing and the Digital Mixer shows nothing.
> What comes out of the speaker is what I call a digital noise.  It has a
> mid-frequency buzz/hiss and a lower frequency beating noise.

I assume it is lound noise. What it sounds like is that you are using
the wrong byte order for the card-- try changing that. SB16LE or SB16BE
as an option to aplay. 
(man aplay)

> It's when the noise is playing that the PCM outs are pegged.  The patchbay
> settings have to be on H/W Out 1/PCM Out 1 and H/W Out 2/PCM Out 2 and
> when H/W out 1 is on either S/PDIF In L or Digital Mix L.  The last two
> settings make the noise come out of only one channel.  A few various other
> permutations can make the noise play as well, otherwize only silence
> happens.  This is all while I play a wav file with aplay (aplay song.wav)
> Aplay says: Playing WAVE 'ladysonly2.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian,
> Rate 48000 Hz, Stereo.
> > (And you have tested your amplifier connections etc..)
> The card works fine with both Mac OS X, and OS 9, though I've only tried
> playing DVDs and CDs.  I hope someday to get hooked up to my MIDI
> keyboards but haven't yet.

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